How to identify and control leafminer

How to identify and control leafminer
  • Leaf miner insects are very small. They go inside the leaves and make tunnels. This gives white lines on the leaves.
  • The adult moth is light yellow in color and the young insect  is very small and footless yellow in color.
  • Insect infestation starts on the leaves. This insect creates a spiral tunnel in the leaves. 
  • Photosynthesis process  of plants is affected . Hence, the leaves fall.
  • For control of this insect use Abamectin 1.9 % EC @ 150 ml/acre or Chlorantraniliprole 8.8 + Thiamethoxam 17.5 SC@ 200 ml/acre or Cyantraniliprole 10.26 % OD @ 300 ml/acre. 
  • As biological treatment use Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre