How to do solarization of soil before preparation of Chilli nursery

How to do solarization of soil before preparation of Chilli nursery
  • Chilli nursery preparation starts  in the first week of May.

  • For this, it is very necessary to do the work of selecting the fields, preparing the fields, etc. in the month of April.

  • To grow a chili nursery it is very necessary to first solarize the soil.

  • In this activity, with the help of cultivator and leveler, do  the soil up and down, and then moisten the soil with water.

  • Then spread 200 gauge (50 μm) of transparent polyethylene over the entire nursery area for about 5–6 weeks.

  • The edges of the polythene should be covered with the help of wet soil so that air cannot enter inside the polythene.

  • After 5-6 weeks, remove the polythene sheet.
