How Pseudomonas fluorescens is a beneficial bacteria

How Pseudomonas fluorescens is a beneficial bacteria

Pseudomonas fluorescens is a friendly bacterium that helps to prevent bacterial and fungal diseases that spread through the soil and air. At the same time, it also produces growth elements in plants, which helps the plant to grow and results in yield. It acts as an intra-body(Systemic) bio-control.

When Pseudomonas fluorescens is sprayed, it produces some secondary metabolites such as gibberellic, Auxins, which help the plant to remain green, and also increase resistance against stress, and disease in the plant.

We can use it through the soil application, spray, and seed process. It effectively controls diseases like root rot, stem rot, damping off, wilt, red rot, bacterial blight, etc. in the different types of crops, fruits & vegetables.

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