Subsidy on Medicinal and Aromatic Crops

Medicinal and aromatic crop area extension scheme:- Under the scheme, the farmer has given a grant of 20 to 75% of the area’s expanded area of ​​medicinal and aromatic crops. Each farmer has a provision to benefit from 0.25 hectare to 2 hectare under the scheme. The crop details are as follows: –

S.N. Crop Name Amount of subsidy (in Rs. Per ha.)
1. Aonla 13,000/-
2. Ashwagandha 5,000/-
3. Bael 20,000
4. Coleus 8,600/-
5. Gurmar 5000/-
6. Kalmegh 5000/-
7. Safed musli 62,500/-
8. Sarpgandha 31,250/-
9. Satavar 12,500/-
10. Tulsi 6,000/-

For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.

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Subsidy on Horticultural Machinery

Scheme for promotion of mechanization for the development of horticulture: – Farmers who want to use modern machines in horticulture crops, they are entitled to 50% of the unit cost or maximum subsidy following table on such devices-

S.No Horticulture Machinery Maximum subsidy
1 Potato Planter/Digger 30000.00
2 Onion/Garlic Planter/Digger 30000/-
3 Tractor Mounted spray pump 75,000/-
4 Power operated pruning machine 20,000/-
5 Fogging machine 10000/-
6 Mulch laying Machine 30000/-
7 Power tiller 75,000
8 Power weeder 50,000/-
9 Tractor with rotavator 1,50,000/-
10 Onion/ Garlic Marker 500/-
11 Post Hole digger 50,000/-
12 Tree Pruner 45,000/-
13 Plant hedge Digger 35,000/-
14 Mist Blower 30,000/-
15 Power spray Pump 25,000/-

For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.

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