Herbicides to control weeds in onion crop

Herbicides to control weeds in onion crop
  • Onion is an important cash crop that is grown in Kharif as well as in rabi season. The Kharif and rabi onion cultivation is predominantly grown under light to medium soils that face weed competition from weeds like Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Eleusine indica, Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, and Parthenium hysterophorus.

  • Application of Pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 700 ml/acre at 3 days after transplanting are recommended for effective weed control in onion along with one weeding by hand at 25-30 days after transplanting in Kharif crop. 

  • The combined application of Oxyfluorfen 23.5 % EC @ 100 ml/l + Quizalofop Ethyl  5 % EC @ 300 ml per acre at 20-25 days after transplanting and having at 30-35 days after transplanting good control of weed and higher bulb yield.

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