The straw will be ready in minutes, know the special thing about these agricultural machines

harvesting machines

There are many modern machines available in the market to make farming easier. With the help of which farmer brothers can earn more profit with less cost, time and labour. Through this news, we will tell you about some such machines, with the help of which many agricultural works can be done very easily along with harvesting. which are as follows –

Straw Reaper

straw reaper
This machine specializes in doing three things simultaneously. With the help of this machine, farmer brothers can do the work of clearing straw and cutting straw along with harvesting. This machine can be used by connecting with a tractor. Due to this, the fuel consumption is also less and all the work gets completed quickly. Many state governments are also providing subsidies to the farmers for the purchase of this device.

Reaper Binder

reaper binder
Along with harvesting this special device, it also works to bundle them with ropes. With the help of this machine, 5 to 7 cm cutting can be done comfortably.

Combine Harvester Machine

Combine Harvester Machine
This machine also does the work of making a bundle along with harvesting. This machine is mostly used when there is a shortage of workers. With the help of this machine, both time and money are saved. At the same time, its speciality is that this device easily cuts the bushes in the fields.

Hand Reaper

hand reaper
For small farmers, crop cutting machines are available in the market even on a low budget. This is a hand harvester reaper. Which is cut and put on the side. However, labour is required for its use.

Source: Tractor Junction

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Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has given some useful advice to farmers on harvesting. Council has said that farmers can postpone wheat harvesting for a few days. The Council believes that the harvesting of wheat can be delayed till April 20 and there will be no loss.

Citing the reason behind this, the council said that in most areas the temperature is still below average and hence some delay in harvesting can be done. Significantly, the harvesting of wheat generally starts from the end of March.


Suitable time to harvesting of gram

  • When most of the pod is yellow, then gram must be harvested.
  • When the plant dries, and the leaves turn reddish-brown, and the leaves begin to fall, the crop is ready for harvesting.
  • Due to delay in the crop drying and harvesting for a long time, the pods start falling, which reduces yield, so harvesting should be done if the gram has moisture up to about 15 percent.

Picking process in Okra

  • Harvesting the fruits when they attained maximum size but still tender.
  • Fruits of 6-8 cm long are preferred for export purpose.
  • Harvesting is done in alternate days with a knife or by bending pedicel with a jerk.
  • For harvesting, cotton cloth hand gloves should be used to protect fingers from stinging effect.
  • It is Advisable to harvest in morning hours since fruit hairs are soft.
  • Sprinkling water on pods during night will keep them cool and fresh for market.

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Harvesting of green pea

  • Harvesting of green pods must be done at the proper stage.  
  • For the vegetable purpose, the pods are harvested when their color changes from dark green to light green and are well filled.  
  • The plant should be handled gently and if the vines are damaged during picking, the remaining pods will not develop properly.


Harvesting of muskmelon

  • Depending on the variety and agro-climate, melon will be ready to peak fruit in about 110 days.
  • The phase of maturity is usually identified with the outer colour change of the fruit, and if the peel becomes soft, Ripe fruit is easily removed from the vine.
  • The melon is harvested by hand.

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Harvesting in moong

  • The crop should be harvested when 80-85% of pods have matured.
  • Paraquat @ 800 ml/acre can be sprayed using 150-200 litres of water for drying of crop foliage for combine harvesting of the crop.
  • Harvesting process complete with the help of the sickle.
  • During moong harvesting process do not uproot the plants.

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Harvesting of Garlic

  • Garlic is ready for harvest in 4-5 month after planting depending on variety.
  • Harvesting is done by pulling out plants when tops are dropping but still green.
  • Plants are uprooted by hand and curing.
  • After curing bulbs are cut or bundled as per market requirement.

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Gram harvesting

Gram harvesting

  • When most of the pod is yellow, then gram must be harvested.
  • Moisture should be around 15 percent in gram.
  • When the plant gets dry and the leaves become red brown and the leaves begin to fall, then the crop is ready for harvesting.

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Picking of Tomato

Picking depends upon the purpose for which they are used. Four maturity stages are generally identified.

  • Green stage: The mature green fruits are generally picked to send them to the distant market.
  • Pink Stage: At this stage, colour turns to pink or red at the blossom end. They are picked for local market.
  • Ripe stage: At this stage surface of most of the fruits is red and the softening of fruits begins.
  • Fully Ripe: At this stage, fruits have approached maximum colour development and are soft. Starch is charged into sugars. They are generally consumed or used for canning and processing.

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