Gramophone Super Fasal Program gave good yield to farmer even under adverse conditions

Farmer Success story

The farmer can be happy only when the soil of the field is fertile and Gramophone started the Super Fasal Program to assess the health of the soil and provide agricultural assistance to the farmers. Hundreds of farmers have benefited from this program. This not only yielded good yield but also improved the fertility of the soil of the farm.

Farmer of Dhar district Mr. Mukesh Kushwaha got soil tested with the help of this program and removed the existing deficiencies in the soil. By doing this, their agricultural cost was reduced considerably and production was also good. This year the soybean crop of most farmers was destroyed due to the weather, but Mukesh ji got a good yield of 10 quintals / acre under the guidance of Gramophone. Mukesh ji obtained a total of 30 quintals of yield from his 3-acre field.

This story of Mukesh ji is an inspiration for all the farmers. Other farmers can also join Gramophone like Mukesh ji and improve their agriculture. To connect with Gramophone, you can either miss toll free number 18003157566 or login to Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.
