Government is preparing to ban these 6 pesticides

Government is preparing to ban these 6 pesticides

6 pesticides will be banned from 31 December 2020. It is being told that the use of these pesticides is dangerous for people and animals.

These are six insecticides

– Alaclor

– Dichlorvos

– Phorate

– Phosphamidon

– Triazophos

– Trichlorfon

Earlier the government banned 12 pesticides from 8 August 2020.

These are 12 pesticides

– Benomyl

– Carbaryl

– Diazinon

– Fenarimol

– Linuron

– Methoxy Ethyl Mercury Chloride

– Methyl Parathion

– Sodium Cyanide

– Thiometon

– Tridemorph

– Trifluralin

Source: Krishi Jagran
