Get great yield and more oil production with the best mustard seeds

Get great yield and more oil production with the best mustard seeds

Mustard is a major oilseed crop, its production can be increased if certified varieties are selected for sowing. Let us know which are the certified seed varieties of mustard this time.

Pioneer 45S46: It is a high-yielding variety with coarse grain and better oil production. It is famous among farmers as a hybrid variety with medium maturity. It is a black-seeded hybrid variety. Its maturity period is 125-130 days.

ADV 414: It is a high-yielding and medium-maturity hybrid variety with thick grain and high oil production. Gives up to 20% higher yield than other varieties. The maturity period of this variety is 120 to 125 days.

Shriram 1666: The maturity period of this mustard variety is about 120 to 130 days. This variety is used in both irrigated and non-irrigated areas. Its yield is less in non-irrigated areas. This variety can be easily grown in 1 to 2 waters. The variety can easily give a yield of 10 to 12 quintals per acre in irrigated areas and 8 to 10 quintals per acre in non-irrigated areas. But this variety can yield more than 12 quintals.

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