Symptoms and prevention measures of Fusarium wilt / Uktha disease in gram crops

Fusarium wilt in gram crops

This is the most harmful fungal disease of Bengal gram, the disease can affect the crop at any stage. Its main symptom is yellowing and browning of the leaves from the bottom up and finally, the plants wither and dry up. When the stem is cut, the internal tissue appears brown, due to which nutrients and water do not reach all parts of the plant. And the plants start dying. The collar and root area appear dark brown or black in color when the plants are uprooted.

Preventive measures

To avoid this disease, at the time of sowing, it should be treated with Combat (Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP) 10 gm/kg seed and now for its prevention, Apply Combat (Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP) @ 1 kg per acre on the soil evenly and apply light irrigation.

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