Measures for identification and prevention of Fusarium wilt disease in chilli crops

Fusarium wilt:

Fusarium wilt is a common disease of the chilli crop. It is a seed and soil borne disease caused by a fungus called Fusarium oxysporum. Affected plants suddenly wither and gradually dry up. Such plants are easily uprooted when pulled by hand. Due to Fusarium wilt, the roots of the diseased plants turn brown and black from inside. When the diseased plants are cut, the tissue appears black. The leaves of the plants wither and fall down. This disease progresses due to excessive moisture and heat in the air and soil and when the right moisture environment is provided by irrigation.

biological management:

Apply Combat (Trichoderma viride @ 500 gm) or Monas Curb (Pseudomonas fluorescens 1% WP) @ 500 gm per acre.

According to TNAU:

Mix @ 2 kg  Combat (Trichoderma Viride) formulation with 50 kg FYM, sprinkle water over it and cover with a thin polythene sheet. After 15 days when the growth of mycelia is visible on the heap, apply the mixture in one acre area.

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