Follow these tips to increase the quality of watermelon fruit

Follow these tips to increase the quality of watermelon fruit
  • In the watermelon crop, if the quality of fruits is very good, then farmers get a very good income along with production.

  • After 45-50 days of sowing watermelon, Mix in soil 19:19:19 @ 50 kg + MOP @ 50 kg per acre.

  • To increase the number of flowers and produce good fruits in the plant, spray Gibberellic acid 0.001% [Nova Max] 300 ml per acre.

  • After 60-65 days of sowing, do a foliar spray of 0:00:50 @ 1 kg per acre.

  • The use of potash improves the shape of the watermelon fruit.

  • The process of pinching is also beneficial for the proper growth and development of the fruits.

  • The spray of chelated calcium EDTA @ 200 gm/acre does not cause the problem of blossom end rot as well as maintain brightness in the fruit.

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