Suitable climate for sorghum crop

  • Sorghum is a warm season crop.
  • But excessive temperature can reduce yield of Sorghum.
  • Semi-dry weather is considered good for sorghum crop.
  • It is grown in tropical climate with temperature of 25-35 oC.
  • It is not suitable for high altitude (more than 1200 meters).
  • It can be grown under an annual rainfall of 300-350 mm.

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Sowing method of makkhan grass

  • Makkhan Grass will be sown plot-wise in rows at 30 cm.
  • Seed can be applied with a broadcast spreader, seeder, hydroseeder or by hand.

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Seed rate of Makkhan Grass

  • Solo sowing – 5 to 6 kg per Acre.
  • Combination with Berseem – 2 to 3 Kg per Acre.

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