Fertilizer Management in Soybean

Fertilizer Management in Soybean

Soybean is the most profitable crop for the farmers. However, sometimes due to some negligence during the cultivation of soybean, there is a decrease in the yield. Which also includes fertilizer management. The quality of the crop is also adversely affected by not using fertilizers at the right time and in the right quantity. Knowledge of fertilizer management is very important to get a better crop of soybean.

For better crop, apply 4-5 tonnes of well decomposed farmyard manure per acre while preparing the field.

For good growth of soybean, DAP-40 kg, Muriate of Potash-20 kg, Gromor (Sulfur 90%) 5 kg and Tri-Coat Maxx 4 kg per acre at the rate of last plowing or field Give at the time of preparation.

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