Fertilizer management at the time of sowing in moong crop

Fertilizer management at the time of sowing in moong crop
  • At the time of sowing of moong, there is a special need for essential elements like phosphorus, potash, zinc, sulfur etc. for good germination and growth of the crop.

  • For these, the following products can be used at the time of sowing-

  • In this, DAP 40 kg + MOP 20 kg + Zinc Sulphate @ 5 kg per acre should be mixed in the soil before sowing through broadcasting in the empty field.

  • Along with this, use special ‘Moong Samridhi Kit’ as necessary, in this kit you will get everything together which is needed by the moong crop.

  • This kit is used to increase fertility, Several products are included in this kit, they are – PK Bacteria [Pro Combimax], Trichoderma viridi [Combat], Rhizobium [Jaivatika -R], Humic Acid + Seaweed + Amino + Micorrhyza [Maxxmyco]

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Fertilizer management at the time of sowing in moong crop

Fertilizer management at the time of sowing in moong crop
  • The cultivation of green gram has a special place among the pulse crops. Considering the benefits of moong cultivation, it is very necessary to do fertilizer management in the crop.

  • Before sowing, to control any type of soil-borne pests, spread the Metrazium culture with 50-100 kg of FYM in the empty field, this helps in the control of pests present in the soil.

  • Apart from this, other essential elements, which are very necessary for good germination at the time of sowing of moong, all these nutrients are given in the form of soil treatment at the time of sowing of moong.

  • Apply DAP @ 40 kg/acre + MOP @ 20 kg / acre + Zinc Sulphate @ 5 kg in the soil before sowing in the empty field.

  • Along with this, You can use Gramophone’s ‘Moong Samridhi Kit’ which will become a protective shield for your crop. In this kit, you will get a lot, which is required by the Moong crop. Several products are included in this kit.

  • Such as consortia of PK bacteria, Rhizobium bacteria, Trichoderma viride, humic acid, seaweed, amino acids and mycorrhiza

  • Mix all these products in soil or cow dung and spread it in the field before sowing.

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