Fertilizer Management and Use of Samriddhi Kit at the time of sowing in Moong Crop

Moong Samriddhi Kit
  • Elements which are very essential for good germination of  Green Gram should be given in the form of soil treatment at the time of sowing.
  • DAP @ 40 kg/acre + MOP @ 20 kg/acre + zinc sulphate @ 5 kg and mix in soil and broadcast the field before sowing.
  • Also use ‘Moong Samriddhi Kit’ which will become the safety shield for your crop.
  • This kit will provide everything  which is needed for the green gram crop. There are many products included in this kit,
  • Such as consortia of PK bacteria, Rhizobium bacteria, Trichoderma viride, humic acid, seaweed, amino acids and mycorrhiza