Gramophone’s advice increases cotton farmer profit from 6 lakhs to 12 lakhs

The Government of India is taking many major decisions on the goal of doubling the income of farmers. Gramophone, a true partner of farmers, is doing something similar at its level since 2016. During the last 3 to 4 years, the income of many farmers associated with Gramophones has doubled. One of them is Mukesh Mukati, a cotton farmer of Sali village of Rajpur tehsil under the Barwani district. Mukesh had been cultivating cotton for many years and he used to get a little profit. But he was not completely satisfied with this and in the meantime, he came in contact with Gramophone.

After coming in contact with the gramophone, Mukesh started taking the advice of experts for cotton cultivation and took care of everything that the experts told him during the harvest cycle. As a result, Mukesh’s agricultural costs were reduced considerably and profits doubled.

Earlier Mukesh used to earn up to 6 lakhs from cotton cultivation on his 14 acres of land. But on the advice of Gramophone, when he did farming, his earnings doubled to 12 lakhs. Not only this, the cost of farming which used to go up to 3 lakhs, has now come down to 2 lakh 15 thousand.

If you also want to make a similar difference in your agriculture like Mukesh, then you can also join Gramophone. To connect with Gramophone, give a missed call on the toll-free number 18003157566 or login to the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Testing soil with gramophone proved a boon for Khargone farmer

The most important requirement for farming is the soil, hence the healthy soil is very important to get a good production from any crop. The same fact was understood by the farmer Mr. Shekhar Pemaji Chaudhary, a resident of village Pipri under Bhikgaon tehsil of Khargone district. Shekhar had been cultivating bitter gourd for the last few years, in which there was sometimes some loss or even some benefit, but this time he grew bitter gourd as per the advice of Gramophone, in which he got better profit.

This time, Shekhar got Gramophone agricultural experts to conduct soil testing of their fields before cultivation of bitter gourd and also got soil treatment done according to the advice of experts. By doing this, the nutrients in the soil were replenished and it was ready for harvest. After this, Shekhar cultivated bitter gourd and when it came to production, it was much higher than before.

So in this way, soil testing gave Shekhar good production from the bitter gourd crop. If you also want to get your soil tested, then you can contact our toll free number 18003157566 for this. You will be given every information related to soil testing here. Apart from this, you can also login on Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Important points related to Ridge gourd (Torai) and its advanced farming.

  • Ridge gourd is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A.
  • It is cultivated in hot and humid climates. 
  • The temperature should be 32-38 degree centigrade.
  • The drainage method is considered more suitable for sowing luffa.
  • During summer, its crop should be irrigated at regular intervals of around 5-6 days.
  • If its harvesting is delayed, then the fibers become hard fibers.

Seeds play an important role in doubling the income of farmers: Union Agriculture Minister

Seeds play a very important role in the production of any crop. The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar has also stated the importance of seeds in farming while addressing the Indian Seed Congress – 2020.

In the event, he said that India is an agrarian country and the economy of our country is majorly dependent on villages and agriculture. While talking about the role of seeds, he said that “due to the research and contribution of scientists and seed producers, India has not only become self-sufficient in terms of food grains but has also succeeded in setting a record by producing more than our requirement.

Gramophone also understands the importance of seeds for better agriculture and hence delivers only the best quality seeds to the farmer’s home, and that’s too without any delivery charge. Farmers can order these seeds through the ‘Market’ section of Gramophone agriculture App. They can also order it by giving a miss call on gramophone’s toll-free number 1800-315-7566.
