How to do soil treatment in early cauliflower nursery

How to do soil treatment in Cotton crop?
  • While making nursery beds, add FYM to the land @ 8-10 kg per square meter. 25 grams of Trichoderma viride should be mixed at the rate of per square meter to protect against damping off diseases. Or
  • To protect the plant from the damage by damping off disease, drenching with 3 ml Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP or 2 gm of Thiophanate methyl 75 WP in one liter water.
  • To protect the plants from the attack of sucking pests @ 0.5 gm Thiamethoxam 25% WG per square meter at the time of nursery preparation.

Know about Early Cauliflower improved varieties, seed rate, sowing time

Know about Early Cauliflower improved varieties, seed rate, sowing time
  • Varieties of early cauliflower such as Pusa Karthik Haybrid, Pusa Deepali, Pusa Kartiki, Pusa Ashwani, Pusa Meghna etc. are prominent.
  • 150 grams of seed per acre is sufficient for hybrid cauliflower varieties.
  • Early sowing of cauliflower is between mid May to June, which is transplanting done after 5-6 weeks.
  • Pre-sowing seeds should be treated @ 2 gram Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WP per kg seed or Trichoderma viride @ 5 grams per kg seed.  
  • Seeds are sown in beds. The beds should be 3 x 6 meters in size, which are 10 to 15 cm above the ground.
  • The distance between the two beds should be 70 cm. So that inter-operation can be done easily. 
  • The nursery beds should have a smooth and flat surface.
  • The problem of water logging can be overcome by constructing high beds in heavy land.
  • While making nursery beds, add FYM to the land @ 8-10 kg per square meter.