Do this spraying in onion nursery at 20 days stage

Do this spraying in onion nursery at 20 days stage
  • It is very important to manage spraying within twenty days of sowing the seeds in onion nursery.

  • This spraying is done to control fungal diseases and pests as well as for good growth.

  • Spraying at this stage provides good initial growth to the onion nursery.

  • To protect against fungal diseases (Novaxil) spray Mancozeb 64% + Metalaxil 8% WP @ 60 gm/pump.

  • For pest management (NovaLice) spray Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG @ 5 gm/pump.

  • Apart from this, for faster growth of plants, spray (NovaMaxx) gibberellic acid 0.001% @ 75 ml/acre.

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