Lack of these elements causes diseases in Animals

Lack of these elements causes diseases in Animals


  • It plays an important role in the formation of enzymes that prevent or reduce the damage of cells. Due to its deficiency, the bones of the animal become weak due to which deformity arises.
  • The color of hair becomes abnormal, such as the color of the red cow becomes yellow and the color of the black cow becomes muddy or gray.


  • Very essential for ruminant animals as it is found in very limited quantities in the body. The lack of cobalt occurs mainly in food items because the soil in which food grains have been grown was also lacking in the soil.
  • It helps in the synthesis of vitamin B12, which helps in the formation of red blood cells and growth.
  • Lack of appetite due to cobalt can cause weakness, Pica, Diarrhea, and infertility.


  • Zinc helps in the formation of many enzymes, due to its deficiency there is a decrease in protein synthesis and inhibition of metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • Apart from this, skin disorders such as skin become dry, hard, and thick due to their deficiency.

Vitamin E and Selenium

  • It is a very important mineral for growth and reproduction. Both Vitamin E and Selenium provide immunity to the body.


  • Due to its deficiency, the rate of conception in animals decreases. Not coming in heat, infertility, and muscle deformities, etc. can also be caused.


  • It is a good source of hemoglobin, due to its deficiency Anemia occurs in newborn calves and pigs.


  • Iodine is very important for the synthesis of a hormone called Thyroid. Iodine deficiency increases the size of the Thyroid gland.