Benefits of direct sowing of paddy

Direct sowing of paddy is done by two methods. In one method, seeds are sown by seed drill after preparing the field. In the second method, the germinated seeds are sown by drum seeder in the field. In this method, the paddy is sown in the dry field by preparing the field before the arrival of rain.For higher production, after ploughing in this method, sowing should be done in the first week of June in rows by bullock driven sowing plough or tractor driven seed drill.

  • About 20 percent of the total irrigation requirement of paddy is used in the puddling for transplanting. By adopting direct sowing technique, 20 to 25 percent water is saved because there is no need to maintain water continuously in the field when paddy is sown by this method.

  • Direct sowing saves labor per hectare as compared to transplanting. Time is also saved in this method because in this method there is no need to prepare and transplant paddy seedlings.

  • The cost of raising paddy nursery, puddle the field and planting saplings in the field is saved. Thus, the cost of production is less in direct sowing.

  • This technique saves energy and fuel in comparison to the transplanting method.

  • The sowing of paddy is completed on time, due to which there is a possibility of getting more yield.

  • If paddy is cultivated by transplanting method, there is a need to puddle the field, which adversely affects the physical condition of the land, whereas direct sowing technique does not have any adverse effect on the physical condition of the soil.

  • With this method, you can sow easily by adding manure and seeds to the zero tillage machine. This saves seeds and increases efficiency of fertilizer usage. 

  • Direct sown paddy matures 7-10 days earlier than planted paddy, so that timely sowing of rabi crops can be done.

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