How much harmful stem borer in sweet corn and how to control ?

  • In India, about 13.2% of economic yield losses have been reported due to insect-pests attack and disease incidence.
  • In different agro-climatic zones of our country, this insect has been reported as the cause of loss of 26.7 to 80.4% of the total yield of maize.
  • Young larvae inter the midrib of the stem and feed the internal tissue and make a shot hole on the stem of the plant. (Causing a condition referred to as “dead heart”).
  • It damaged the crop from 10-12 DAS to till harvesting.
  • Soil application of carbofuran 3% G@ 5-7 kg per acre.
  • The spray of Dimethoate 30% EC@180-240 ml per acre.

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