Damping off will cause 60 to 75 percent loss in onion

Damping off will cause 60 to 75 percent loss in onion

The disease is more prevalent in the Kharif season/rainy season and causes about 60-75% loss. Moderate temperatures with high soil moisture and high humidity lead to the development of the disease.

  • Damping-off before germination: Seeds and seedlings rot before they emerge from the soil.

  • Post-germination damping-off: The pathogen attacks the collar region of the seedlings at the soil surface. The collar portion rots and eventually the seedling collapses and dies.

Control: Crop rotation with cereal crops and soil fumigation or solarization may help reduce damping-off in fields. Improving soil drainage by using raised beds, and regulating soil moisture by avoiding excessive irrigation help to reduce disease.

Some fungicide seed treatments or soil drenches can help prevent serious damping-off.

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