Damping off disease is a big problem in nursery

Damping off disease is a big problem in nursery
  • Damping-off disease in nurseries is a common disease that mostly occurs in nurseries at the seedling stage. This disease spreads very quickly and infects the seedlings and kills them.

  • This disease is caused by soil-borne fungi like Pythium / Phytophthora / Rhizoctonia / Fusarium.

  • In its symptom, brown watery sunken wounds appear on the stem near the ground. Gradually, the stem and roots rot and the seedling falls to the ground surface and dies.

  • Disease development occurs more rapidly in seedlings planted in high density, high humidity and high temperature.

  • For the management of this disease use Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% @ 30 gm/pump or Thiophanate Methyl 70%W/W @ 50 gm/pump or Mancozeb 64% + Metalaxyl 8% WP @ 60 gm/pump.

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