How to manage white grub in crops

How to protect the cotton crop from the white grub

White Grub:

White grubs are white colored insects that live as a grub in a field their  dormancy period is in the winter.

Symptoms of white grub damage:

Usually they initially damage plant  roots. Symptoms of white grub can be seen on the plant, such as a complete withering of the plant or stunting of the plant and later the plant dying is the main symptom.

Management of white grub:

For control of this insect , in the month of June and July,use Metarhizium culture (kalichakra) along with FYM (2 kg + 50-75 kg)  per acre for control of white grub. Chemical treatment can also be done. For this, use Phenpropethrin 10% EC @ 500 ml / acre, Clothianidin 50.00% WG @ (Dantotsu) 100 g / acre as soil mix.


How to protect the cotton crop from the white grub

How to protect the cotton crop from the white grub
  • White grub is a white-colored insect which is damaged in cotton crop.
  • the system from inside the ground due to which the plant turns yellow and becomes dry.
  • In summer, the insect can be destroyed by deep plowing and cleaning the fields.
  • Through bio-control, mix 2-4 kg of Metarhizium anisopliae (Kalachakra) in 50 kg FYM or compost manure before sowing or before the first rain in the field. or
  • Fenpropathrin 10% EC @ 500 ml or clothianidin 50% WDG @ 100 gm mixed in 200 liters of water and drenching per acre.

How to protect our crops from White Grubs

White Grub management is a challenge for farmers, a severe attack has the potential of damaging 80 to 100% of the crop. A minuscule count of 2 to 14 grubs is enough to damage 64.7% of the crop.

Life cycle:-

1. After the lash of first rains, adult white grub comes out of the pupa stage and for the next month, it starts laying eggs 8 inches below soil level.

2. Next 3-4 weeks the gestation period sets in and the eggs grow to form larvae.

3. This larvae stage is most damaging for the crop as the larvae feed on the nutrients available in soil and crop for the next 4 to 5 months and just before the onset of incremental temperatures they once again attain the pupa stage.

White grubs management:-How to control

Chemical control:- Soil application of fenpropathrin 10% EC 10% EC @ 500ml per acre, fipronil 40 + imidacloprid 40% WG   @100 Gm/acre OR chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml/acre.

Biological control:-  Apply Matarizum spp. @ 1kg/acre and Beauveria+Matarizum spp. @ 2kg/acre. Fungal formulation along with  first dose of fertilizers.

Mechanical control:- Use a light trap.

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