Damage caused by red pumpkin beetle in watermelon and preventive measures

Damage caused by red pumpkin beetle in watermelon and preventive measures

In this pest, both nymphs and adults damage the crop. The young eat the root, underground stem and fruits attached to the ground, due to which the plant starts withering or rotting may also occur in the plant. Adult insects make holes in the leaves of plants, due to which the plant does not grow and when the outbreak increases, the plant also dies and due to this, there are burnt spots in the field. This pest can also damage the flowering stage, which reduces the fruit set, and in severe stages, production can be reduced by 90%.

Preventive Measures: To control this pest, plough the fields immediately after harvesting and destroy the dormant adults. If infestation is observed, take a spray of Emanova (Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG) @ 100 gm/acre or Tafgor (Dimethoate 30% EC) @ 200 ml per acre in 150-200 litres of water.

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