Cultivation of these advanced varieties of moong will give tremendous yield

Cultivation of these advanced varieties of moong will give tremendous yield
  • PDM139 Samrat (Prasad), PDM139 Samrat (Eagle), PDM139 Samrat (Awasthi): These three are considered to be highly advanced varieties of moong. Their harvest period is 55 to 60 days. These varieties are the main varieties of summer and spring season. The total production of these varieties is at the rate of 5 to 6 quintals. These varieties are resistant to the Yellow Mosaic Virus and have a bright green color.
  • IPM205 Virat: This variety is also an improved variety of moong and has a crop duration of 52 to 55 days. This variety is the main variety of summer and spring season and its total production is from 4 to 5 quintals. Plants of this variety are straight and dwarf and have large grains.
  • Hum-1 (Arihant): It is a very advanced variety of moong. Its harvest period is 60 to 65 days. This variety is the main variety of summer and spring season and its total production varies from 3 to 4 quintals.