Crops get many benefits from phosphorus solubilizing bacteria

Crops get many benefits from phosphorus solubilizing bacteria

Of the 16 essential nutrients required for crop production, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus elements are most important. Deficiency of any one of these elements seriously adversely affects crop production.

Due to continuous use of fertilizers, the soil is becoming hard, or more fertilizers have to be given to get the same production as before, due to which the quality of the land is also being destroyed, due to which the quality of the land is also destroyed. Phosphorus contains chemical fertilizers like super phosphate, DAP etc, whatever quantity we put in the fields for crop production, only 20 to 25 percent of it becomes available to the plants, the remaining phosphorus is fixed by the soil particles. It is converted into an insoluble mixture by chemical reactions. Such micro-organisms are known as Phosphorus Solubilizing Biofertilizers (Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria). It helps in converting the insoluble and unavailable phosphorus element into soluble element and making it available to the plants. Phosphorus soluble bacteria convert the particles of insoluble phosphorus containing fertilizers like rock phosphate and tricalcium phosphate into microscopic size and make them soluble and available as nutrients to the plants. Its use can save about 10 to 12 kg per acre of chemical fertilizers containing phosphorus.

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