Magnesium deficiency symptoms and measures in cotton crops

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:- 

The symptoms of magnesium deficiency first appear on older leaves, due to its deficiency, there is discolouration in the leaves. The veins of the leaves remain green, and except the veins, the color of the rest of the leaf appears reddish brown. Also leaves fall prematurely.

measures to prevent

To prevent this, apply magnesium sulphate @ 10 kg per acre.

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Cotton Samriddhi Kit

  • Cotton crops can be grown in all types of soils.

  • Gramophone special cotton samriddhi kit will become the protective shield of your cotton crop, using which, your crop will get all that the cotton crop needs.

  • At the time of the last ploughing, mix the Gramophone ‘Cotton Samriddhi Kit’  in 5 tons of good FYM at the rate of one acre and mix it with final ploughing. After that, give light irrigation.

  • This kit contains a mixture of beneficial bacteria, fungi and nutrients, its use at the time of sowing, the development of the crop is very good and the plant can be saved from many diseases, this kit can also helps to increase the fertility of the soil.

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to like and share.
