Coriander cultivation will give tremendous yield in less time and earn a lot

Coriander cultivation will give tremendous yield in less time and earn a lot
  • Climate: Dry and cool weather is favorable for getting good production. 25 to 26 *Centigrade temperature is good for seed germination.

  • Soil: Well drained loamy soil is good for irrigated coriander crop and black heavy soil is good for non-irrigated crop. Coriander does not tolerate alkaline and saline soils. Well drained and fertile loam or clay loam soil is suitable. The pH of the soil should be 6.5 to 7.5. In irrigated areas. In the irrigated area, if there is not enough moisture in the land at the time of plowing, then the land should be prepared after irrigation. Due to which lumps will not be formed in the soil at the time of plowing and the weed seeds will be destroyed after germination at the time of plowing. For rainfed crop, after harvesting of kharif crop, plowing should be done immediately by doing two horizontal ploughings.

  • Improved varieties of coriander: Fauja, Surabhi, Raunak-31, 

  • Time of sowing: For green leaves, it can be sown in the month of April-May.

  • Seed rate: 15-20 kg/ha of seed is required in irrigated crops and 25-30 kg/ha in non-irrigated crops.

  • Seed treatment & fertilizers: For protection from soil and seed-borne diseases, seed should be treated with Carmanova (Carbendazim+Mancozeb) 2.5 g./kg. To get a good yield of coriander, apply farm yard manure 20 tons/ha. For irrigated crops, use fertilizers at the rate of 60 kg nitrogen, 40 kg phosphorus, 20 kg potash and 20 kg sulfur per hectare.

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