Citrus psylla insect attack in citrus plants

Citrus psylla insect attack in citrus plants
  • It is one of the major insect pests in citrus plants, which is active on new tender leaves during autumn and spring and causes more damage during flowering and fruit formation in the month of March-April.

  • This insect is also a carrier of greening disease in citrus plants.

  • This insect is small, 3 – 4 mm long, brown in colour, with transparent wings.

  • This insect lays eggs on unopened leaf buds which are bright yellow in colour.

  • Both nymphs and adults damage the plant by sucking the sap from the leaves, tender stems and flowers. 

  • Due to this the leaves turn dry and fall and eventually the twigs also start drying.

  • The nymphs of this insect secrete a crystalline honey-like liquid which attracts the growth of the fungus and consequently the process of photosynthesis is affected.

  • For its management, spraying of Quinalphos [Celquin] @ 700 ml or Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 04% EC [ProfeNova] @ 400 ml/acre can be done.

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