How to manage the outbreak of Choanephora Blight in Chili crop

How to manage the outbreak of Choanephora Blight in Chili crop
  • It is a fungal disease, symptoms of this disease appear on flowers and fruits. Its early symptoms develop on the leaves as a water-soaked wound,

  • Initially it appears on a branch and then gradually this fungal disease spreads very quickly on the whole plant.

  • For the prevention of this disease,CHLOROTHALONIL 75% WP @ 300 gram / acre or CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63% @ 500 gram / acre or METIRAM 55% + PYARACLOSTROBIN 5% WG @ 600 gram / acre or TEBUCNAZOLE 50%+ TRIFLOXYSTROBIN 25% WG @ 100 gram / acre 

  • As a biological treatment Spray TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram / acre or PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram / acre.

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