Weed management of Soybean

  • Weeds are a major problem in soybean production. We can use any one of the following weedicides as the solution of weeds.
  • Pre Emergence:-
    • Imazethapyr 2% + Pendimethalin 30% @ 1 li./2 Bigha. OR
    • Diclosulam 84 WDG @ 1 pouch(12.7g)/2 Bigha. 
  • Post Emergence :- 15-20 DAS spray 
    • Fomesafen 11.1% + Fluazifop-P-Butyl 11.1% SL @ 1 li for 6 bigha. OR
    • Chlorimuron Ethyl 25%WG @ 15 g/acre. OR
    • Sodium acifluorfen 16% + Clodinafop propargail 8% EC @ 400 g/acre. OR
    • Imizathapyr 10 %SL @ 1 ltr/hectare should be sprayed. For More Information, Please call on toll free no. 1800-315-7566.

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