Next activity for your Chilli crop

Day of transplanting – For prevention of fungal diseases seedling treatment

Prepare a solution of Micorrhyza 5 grams per liter of water. Before transplanting dip the roots of seedlings in this solution to prevent fungal diseases. Then transplant the seedlings on the beds at 120 cm X 45-60 cm distance.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

6 to 8 days before transplanting – Preparation of raised beds and distance between chilli plants

Prepare the ridges and furrows by keeping row to row distance 2 ft. If a drip irrigation facility is available apply plastic mulch to prevent weeds and promote photosynthesis activity.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

20-25 days after sowing- Management of Mites and fungal diseases in nursery

For the management of mites and fungul disease, spray Abamectin 1.9 % EC (Abcin) 15 ml/pump + Metalaxyl 4 % + Mancozeb 64% WP (Sanchar) 60 gram/pump.For better vegetative growth add Seaweed extract (Dhanzyme gold) 40 ml/pump in this spray.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

10-15 days after sowing- Thrips management in nursery

For the management of thrips and fungal disease, spray Thiamethoxam 25% WP (ThiaNova) 10 gm/pump + Thiophanate Methyl 70% W/w (Milduvip) 30 gram/pump. For better vegetative growth add Humic acid (Maxxroot) 10 gram/pump in this spray.


Next activity for your Chilli crop

1 day before sowing- Seed treatment and Land preparation

To protect the seed from fungus in the soil, treat the seeds with Carboxin 17.5%+ Thiram 17.5% (Vitavax Power) 3 gm per kg seeds or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% (Saaf) 3.5 gm per kg seeds or Trichoderma Viride (Ryzocare) 10 gram/ kg seed or Pseudomonas Fluorescens (Monas curb) 10 gram/ kg seed, then evenly broadcast the seeds on the prepared seedbeds.
