Causes of low and excess pH in soil and damage to crops

Causes of low and excess pH in soil and damage to crops
  • Reason for the low pH: – Due to excessive rainfall, alkaline elements such as calcium, magnesium etc. from the top surface of the soil are washed away in the water, due to which the pH value of the soil becomes less than 6.5, we call such soil as acidic.

  • Reason for the high pH: – Soil in which alkali and salts are found in high quantities. Due to which this salt gets deposited on the soil in the form of grayish-white color. This type of soil is completely infertile, due to which the pH value of the soil is more than 7.5, this type of soil is called alkaline. Due to the excessive use of calcium and magnesium fertilizers in the soil, the pH of the soil becomes high, due to which the availability of fertilizers and nutrients in the soil decreases.

  • Due to the decrease in pH value, the normal growth of the roots of plants stops, due to which the roots remain short, thick and compact, the amount of manganese and iron increases in the soil, due to which the plants become affected by many diseases. Due to this, the solubility of phosphorus and molybdenum decreases in soil, its availability to the plants affected, there is an imbalance in the nutrients which reduces the yield.

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