Measures to prevent leaf-eating caterpillar in soybean

Just as there is an outbreak of sucking insects in soybean crop, in the same way the outbreak of caterpillars like tobacco caterpillar, semilooper, village pod borer etc. is very high. They damage stem, flower and fruit in soybean crop.

Semilooper: –

Semilooper attacks the soybean crop a lot, causing a loss of up to 30-40% in the total yield of soybean crop. Its outbreak occurs from the early stages of soybean crop, it affects a lot at this stage of the crop and if the outbreak of this worm occurs in the pod or flowering stage, it causes great loss in the yield of soybean. Worm outbreaks usually occur in late July and early September.

Bihar Hairy Caterpillar (Spilosoma obliqua) :-

Newborn caterpillars live in swarms and all together attack the leaves and eat the green part by scraping it. And later spreading on the whole plant damages the whole plant, only the net remains on the leaves eaten by these caterpillars.

Tobacco caterpillar

The larvae of this insect scrape the leaves of soybean and eat the chlorophyll of the leaves, due to which a whitish yellow color appears on the eaten leaves. They also damage stems, buds, flowers and fruits when attacked excessively. Due to which only the sticks are visible on the plants.

to control their
Spray Profenova (Profenophos 50% EC) @ 400 ml or Novalaxam (Thymethoxam 12.60% + Lambda-Cyhalothrin 9.50% ZC) @ 50 ml + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre.

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