Time of Sowing, Spacing and Seed rate of Carrot

Time of Sowing, Spacing and Seed rate of Carrot:-

  • Time of sowing:- August-September is best time for sowing local (desi) varieties of carrots whereas October-November month is ideal for European varieties.
  • Seed Rate:- For sowing of one acre land seed rate of 4-5 kg is sufficient.
  • Spacing:- Use row to row spacing of 45 cm and plant to plant spacing of 7.5 cm.
  • Sowing Depth:- For good growth, sown seeds at depth of 1.5 cm.

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Management of Carrot fly

Management of Carrot fly:-

Damage –

  • The flies lay their eggs around the developing carrots.
  • Crop damage is caused by the creamy-yellow larvae (maggots) feeding on the outer layers of the carrot root. In autumn, they may penetrate further into the root.
  • The legless larvae are up to 10 mm in length.
  • Foliage becomes wilted and discoloured.
  • Leaves turn rusty red to scarlet with some yellowing. Rusty-brown tunnels are seen under the outer skin of mature roots.


Management –

  • Maintaining a 3–5-year crop rotation of all crops within the carrot family (Apiaceae), and locating these crops as far away as possible from the previous year’s crop.
  • Row cover is another method of exclusion.

  • Spray profenophos 50 EC @ 400 ml/acre.

  • Spray quinolphos 25 EC @ 300 ml/acre.

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Weed control in Carrot

To control the weeds in carrots, we should make 2 to 3 weeding- At the same time, the distance of plants should be maintain 4 to 5 Cms. When the growth of roots begins soil should be fed on the ridge. Spray Pendamethlin @ 3.5 liters per hectare per in the field immediately after sowing to control the weed control. There should be moisture in the field while spraying.

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