Start camel rearing, government will give huge grant

Start camel rearing government will give huge grant

Most of the farmers in the villages do agriculture as well as animal husbandry business. That is because fodder and grass for the animals are available only from the fields. In such a situation, farmers earn good profits through milk production by putting less cost into animal husbandry.

If we are talking about milk production, then how can we forget camel’s milk. According to Ayurveda, many special nutrients are found in camel milk. Its consumption protects against many deadly diseases. For this reason, camel milk is in great demand in the market. Apart from this, camels are also used for carrying loads and riding. In such a situation, good income can be earned through camel rearing.

However, there are many farmers who are not able to buy camels. For the financial help of such farmers, the Rajasthan government is running a scheme. Under this, a subsidy amount is provided to the farmers to buy camels. Along with this, government dairy RCDF is also being constructed to sell camel milk. Since the start of this dairy, farmers will not have to wander to sell milk.

Source: Krishi Jagran

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