Thing to keep in mind before selecting Suitable cotton variety to your field

Selection of the right variety is a key factor for yield improvement. Right variety depends upon our farming purpose. So we are telling here some unique characteristics for popular varieties.

Early variety (140-160 days) :-

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi)
  • Moneymaker (Kaveri)
  • Bhakti (Nuziveedu)

According to Soil type:-

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi) ( Suitable for Medium to Heavy)
  • Neo (Rasi) (Suitable for Light-Medium)

Big boll size:-

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi)
  • Moneymaker (Kaveri)
  • Atm Kch-311 BG-II (Kaveri)
  • Jackpot (Kaveri)

Good boll weight (6-7.5 gram):-

  • Jackpot (Kaveri)
  • Jadoo (Kaveri)
  • Atm Kch-311 BG-II (Kaveri)

Sucking pest tolerance:-

Neo (Rasi)

  • Bhakti (Nuzivedu)

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