Bio-pesticides will be made from cow urine in Chhattisgarh

Bio-pesticides will be made from cow urine in Chhattisgarh

After making vermicompost manure, electricity and herbal paint from cow dung, the Chhattisgarh government is now going to make organic pesticides from cow urine. Its main objective is to promote organic farming to make agriculture fertile.

Let us inform you that positive results have been found in the cultivation of vermicompost and super compost manure in the state. As a result, the government is now trying to bring cow urine as an alternative to chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides. Under this scheme, farmers’ dependence on chemical pesticides will end, as well as income will increase by reducing the cost of farming.

According to reports, if the Chhattisgarh government is successful in making pesticides from cow urine, then this unique initiative of the state will lead to the production of organic pesticides on a large scale. Which will work as a revolution in organic farming.

Source: Kisan Samadhan

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