Benefits of spraying in paddy nursery in 15-20 days

Benefits of spraying in paddy nursery in 15-20 days
  • In a paddy nursery, it is very important to spray at the stage of 15-20 days after sowing the nursery.

  • Due to this spray, diseases like stem rot, root rot do not attack the paddy crop..

  • Insects that occur in the early stages in the paddy nursery can be easily controlled.

  • The use of these products is very beneficial in this stage of paddy nursery.

  • Treatment at the stage of nursery for 15-20 days: – At this time the plant remains in the initial stage of germination in the nursery. Spraying can be done in two ways at this stage

  • To avoid insect infestation, spray Fipronil 5% SC @ 30 ml/pump or Beauveria @ 50 gm/pump. To control fungal diseases, spray Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% @ 30 gm/pump or Pseudomonas fluorescens + Trichoderma @ 25+50 gm/pump. For good growth of the nursery, spray humic acid @ 10 gm/pump.

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