Benefits of seed treatment with fungicide, insecticide and rhizobium in soybean

Benefits of seed treatment with fungicide, insecticide and rhizobium in soybean

Seed treatment with fungicide protects the soybean crop from wilt and root rot. Seed treatment with insecticide protects the soybean crop from soil pests like white grub, ants, termites etc. Germination of seeds takes place correctly, and the germination percentage increases. Seed treatment with Rhizobium enhances root nodulation and more nitrogen fixation in the soybean crop.

FIR method of soybean seed treatment: –

  • First of all, spread the required amount of seed according to the area on the tarpaulin/plastic sheet.

  • Then give a light spray of water over the seed and after that, treat the seed with fungicide Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP)  2.5 g/kg of seed and dry in a shady place for 10 minutes.

  • After treating with fungicide, as an insecticide, treat the seed with Thianova Super (Thiamethoxam 25% WG)  5 ml/kg of seed.

  • Finally, after treating the seed with Jaiv Vatika (Rhizobium culture) 5 gm/kg of seed, sow the seed in the field.

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