Benefits of Samriddhi Kit in Watermelon Crop

Benefits of Samriddhi Kit in Watermelon Crop

Benefits of Watermelon Samriddhi Kit: The product included in this kit increases the amount of nitrogen in the crop, solubilizes the potash and phosphorus available in the soil, develops white roots, brings greenness to the plants and also removes the weaknesses of the plants, also it stimulates the root growth and helps plants to take up more nutrients like phosphorus, zinc, copper, nitrogen as well as water from the soil, and it is also effective for good germination, root and shoot development.

Method of use: Watermelon Samriddhi Kit for flood irrigation (TB-3 – 3 kg, Taba-G – 4 kg, Combat – 2 kg, Tricot Max – 4 kg) @ 1 kit per acre with fertiliser given at the time of sowing or 30 days after sowing

For watermelon planted with drip irrigation, use Watermelon Samridhi Kit Drip (Bee NPK – 250 gm, Rhizocare – 500 gm, Maxroot – 500 gm, Explorer Glory – 100 gm) @ 1 kit per acre.
