Benefits of fertilizer management in wheat crop

Benefits of fertilizer management in wheat crop
  • The production of wheat crops can be increased to a large extent by using the right  fertilizers at the right time. 
  • Fertilizer management is done in three stages in wheat crop 1. at the time of sowing 2. Management in 20 -30 days of sowing 3. Fertilizer management in 50 -60 days of sowing
  • Fertilizer management at the time of sowing improves germination of wheat crop and provides uniform growth to the plant.
  • The  Management in 20 -30 days of sowing improves good root growth and development of tillers . 
  • By managing fertilizer in 50-60 days of sowing, the earhead emerges well and milk fills well in the grains and the production of grains is very good.