Bacterial leaf spot will cause heavy damage in tomatoes, do quick treatment

Bacterial leaf spot will cause heavy damage in tomatoes
  • Moist weather and heavy rains are favourable for the development of the disease. Most outbreaks of this disease can be traced to heavy rains in the region.

  • Small, brown, water-soaked, circular spots surrounded by a yellow halo appear on infected leaves.

  • Leaf infection on older plants occurs mostly on older leaves and can cause severe defoliation.

  • Most of the symptoms appear on green fruits. First appear as small, water-soaked spots that later become larger.

  • The centres of these lesions become irregular, light brown and slightly sunken with a rough, scaly surface.

  • Ripe fruits are not susceptible to this disease. The surface of the seed becomes contaminated with bacteria if it remains on the surface of the seed for some time.

  • To protect the crop from this disease, use Monas-curb (Pseudomonas fluorescens 1% WP) @ 250 gm/acre.

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