Preventive measures of Bacterial Blight in Cotton crop

Bacterial Blight in Cotton crop
  • To avoid this disease, mix 2 kg of Trichoderma viride in 4 tons FYM and spray it in the field immediately or after the first rain.
  • Streptomycin sulfate 90% + tetracycline hydrochloride 10% W / W @ 24 gm / acre or
  • Kasugamycin 3% SL @ 300 ml / acre or
  • Spray kasugamycin 5% + copper oxychloride 45% WP @ 250 gm / acre in 200 liters of water.
  • For this disease by biological means, spray 500 grams of Pseudomonas fluorescens and 500 ml of Bacillus subtilis in 200 liters of water per acre.