Cultivation of these 4 crops will generate good income

Today’s farmer brothers are moving towards modern farming. Modern farming, in which high-yielding crops are grown. Through this article, we will tell you about 4 such expensive farming, which will give you manifold profits at low cost.

Ashwagandha cultivation

Ashwagandha is used as Ayurvedic medicine. The fruits, seeds and bark of Ashwagandha are used to make a variety of medicines.

In India, the improved varieties of Ashwagandha such as Poshita, Jawahar Asgandha-20, W.S. -20 and W.S. -134 are found. The cost of its seed is about 130 to 150 rupees per kg.

Asparagus cultivation

It is counted among the most expensive vegetables. Along with this, Shatavari is used in making Ayurvedic medicine. Talking about the improved varieties of asparagus, there are many varieties like Asparagus adsendes, Asparagus sarmentosus, Asparagus sprangeri and Asparagus officinalis.

Its Asparagus Adescendes is known as ‘Safed Musli’. Talking about the market price of Shatabari, its price is about 1200 to 1500 rupees per kg.

Bok Joy Farming

It is a kind of exotic vegetable. In appearance, it looks like cabbage, due to which Bok Joy is also known as Chinese cabbage. Many essential nutrients like vitamins and fiber are found in it, which make immunity power strong.

There are many improved varieties of bok choy such as Black Summer, Fang King, Joy Choi, Red Choi, Shiro, Toy Choi, White Flash and Win-Win Choi. By the way, in India, its cultivation is done only in selected places. Although the market price of one fruit is around 115 to 120 rupees.

Cherry tomato cultivation

It is mostly used for salads. It is a high yielding crop in less time. Improved varieties include Black Pearl Cherry Tomato, Yellow Pearl Cherry Tomato, Green Envy Cherry Tomato, Chadwick Cherry Tomato, Bloody Butcher Cherry Tomato and Sun Gold Cherry Tomato.

Cherry tomato cultivation is done much less than the demand. In such a situation, good income can be earned through its cultivation. Talking about its market price, it is around Rs 250 to Rs 350 per kg.

Source: Tractor Junction

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