Management of aphids and jassids

Management of aphids and jassids
  • Aphid and jassid is an insect sucking pest of jacid crops. They are very small in size. Their shape is like the tip of a lentil. It is usually yellow-green or white with dark spots on its front wings. Jassids fly away when there is a slight movement on the crop. In crops, these kits suck the juice from the leaves and under the buds of the leaves.
  • For control of aphid and jassid, Imidacloprid 60% FS or Thiamethoxam 30% FS with 10 ml/kg seed should be given. This seed treatment keeps the crop free from sucking pests for one month.
  • Spraying of imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml / acre or acetamiprid 20% WP @ 100 gram / acre orĀ  acephate 50% + imidacloprid 1.8% SP @ 400 g / acre.

Biological Treatment:

  • Bavaria Basiana should be sprayed at the rate of 1 kg per acre.
  • Spraying of metrazium at the rate of 1 kg per acre