Aphid and Jassid Attack in Cotton Crop

Aphid and Jassid Attack in Cotton Crop

Aphid  (Mahu) Symptoms:  Aphid (Mahu) is a small insect that attacks the leaves due to which the leaves shrink and the color of the leaves becomes yellow. Later, the leaves turn hard after which they dry up and fall.

Jassid (Green Mosquito / Fudge) Symptoms: This insect damages the crop both in the nymph and adult stage. Jassid attacks on the soft parts of plants like stems, leaves, and flowers and affects the growth of the plant. As a result, the plants remain weak and dwarf, reducing the yield.

Management: IMIDACLOPRID 17.8% SL. @ 100 ml / acre or THIAMETHOXAM 25% WG @ 100 gram / acre, or ACEPHATE 50% + IMIDACLOPRID 1.8% SP @ 400 gram / acre for the control of both these sucking pests.
