What do you mean by acidic soil

What do you mean by acidic soil
  • Acidity is a natural property of the soil which also affects the production of crops.
  • In the case of excessive rainfall, the alkaline elements found on the top layer of the soil get washed away which lowers the pH value of the soil to less than 6.5 making it acidic.
  • Acidic soil hinders the complete development of the crop making the roots of the crop small, thick and clumped.
  • This type of soil is deficient in essential nutrients while there is an excess of some nutrients like calcium, boron, potash, manganese, and iron which affects the crop.
  • The acidic nature of the soil also affects micro nutrients activity.
  • Lime should be used for the management of acidic soil.
  • The quantity of lime for management of acidic soil should be ensured only after soil testing.
  • It should be kept in mind that in the treatment of acidity, lime should always be used as a soil treatment.
  • Using lime reduces the amount of hydrogen present and increases the pH value of the soil. 